Wednesday, 12 July 2023 10:03


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In order to promote and expand Halal culture, Halal World Institute was constituted in 2007. Once Halal Food Standards were approved by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in 2010, its scope of activities was expanded into new sectors like “Halal science”, “Halal regulations”, “Halal Professional Ethics”.

OIC is comprised of 57 countries in which either the majority or considerable minority of their population are constituted from Muslims. Different institutions exist in OIC family, a number of which such as Islamic Development Bank (IDB), Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) and Islamic Chamber Research and Information Center (ICRIC) deserve mentioning.

Halal World Institute is affiliated to ICRIC and has planned to be active in “Halal culture building”, “Halal standardization”, “Halal rule making”, “Halal Structure” and “Halal trade” in the areas such as Halal food, Halal pharmaceutical, Halal cosmetic-hygiene, Halal clothing and Halal services.

Halal World Institute is enjoying of two wings, namely Jurisprudent Committee and Scientific Committee, aiding her in promotion of its fundamental Halal procedures such as conformity of the activities with the Islamic Canon and determination of scientific methods as well.

Halal World Institute Activities

Standardization: Within three years of intensive talks (2005-2008) between ICRIC and the Islamic Standardization Organization (SEG) affiliated with the Standing Committee on Economic Cooperation and Trade (OIC) of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (COMCEC), in collaboration with the Iran National Standard Organization and the representative of the Supreme Leader in Iran Agriculture Department, the Halal Food Standard was approved by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), followed by the SMIIC Standard, and turned to the reference point for issuing Halal certificates in Islamic countries.

Recognition of the ICRIC’s Halal Certificate inland and abroad:

Inland: From the beginning of 2008, when the OIC standard draft was codified, ICRIC began using halal certification for food industry enterprises using its experiences and working closely with the Islamic Jurisprudents and in coordination with the office of the Representative of the Supreme Leader in Agriculture Department. Following up on the introduction of the Halal World Institute to the food industry companies and making them aware of the need for acquiring legal Halal certificate to increase the Muslim community's reliability on their Halal food products and enhance the competitiveness in domestic and international markets, Halal World Institute has successfully certified nearly 2000 applicants of Halal Certification.

Abroad: As intensive talks at the Islamic Chamber meetings were processing in order to approve Halal Food Standards and specialized delegations were being dispatched to Islamic countries, the authorities in Islamic States agreed to recognize the ICRIC’s Halal logo, and afterward it launched internationally branches in four countries including Germany, Turkey, Korea and Japan.

Holding workshops: The Halal Global Institute holds a number of workshops for administrators and technical officials of Halal Certificate Applicants.

Holding the Halal Commodity Trade and Services Committee

During the years 1396 and 1397, 5 sessions of Halal Commodity Trade and Services Committee were held with the presence of members from the Finance Department, Foreign Affairs, Agriculture Departments, Ministry of Interior, Iran National Standards Organization, Organization for Development and Trade, Iran Food Industry Association, and Iran Organic Society that led to the formation and development of a Halal Trade Roadmap. It worth mentioning that the committee is presided by ICRIC. The committee investigates and makes decisions on the Halal related issues such as Halal trade challenges, domestic and international Halal conferences and exhibitions.

Main Contributions in Halal Seminars and Exhibitions:

  • annually Holding a booth in at the International Aggregate Food and Agriculture Industry Exhibition since 2012 up to now,
  • holthing a booth in China Halal Exhibition in Chinhai province in 2013 and 2014,
  • participation in the Middle East Halal Forum in Sharja, UAE in 2014,
  • standing a booth in Anuga Exhinition in 2014 by Germany representative,
  • participation, speech delivery and chairmanship of the panel in Japan International Halal Forum in 2014 and 2017,
  • Holding Iranian National Pavilion at Halal Tourism Exhibition in Abu Dhabi in Oct. 2015,
  • annually holding of a booth at the Meatex International Protein Materials Exhibition from 2015 up to now,
  • participation in the 4th Thailand International Halal Forum in 2017,
  • holding a booth in Korea Halal Exhibition by ICRIC’s representative in July 2017 and 2018.
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Halal World Institute
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Address: NO: No.8 , Afshar Al ly , Mofateh Ave, Tehran, IRAN
Postal Code:1583644313
Tel: +9821 88346803-4
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